The world relies on non-renewable energy resources to meet its energy needs. This heavy dependence on fossil fuels causes damage to the planet, contributing to climate change and sea level rise.

We must begin a transition to renewable energy sources soon. Not only will this ensure that we do not have to worry about a global disaster in the future, but it will also create new jobs and help our economy grow.


Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

There are many ways that individuals and businesses can lower their greenhouse gas emissions, but renewable energy is a great way to start. The power generated by renewable sources displaces the electricity produced by coal and natural gas, reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

State policies are also one of the best ways to reduce carbon emissions. These include renewable portfolio standards (RPS) that require utilities to purchase a certain percentage of their electricity from renewable sources. They are also often designed to encourage in-state producers of renewables.

Some of these policies also have the bonus of lowering customer energy costs. For example, states can mandate that utilities use solar and wind energy to power their homes and businesses, which can help reduce electric bills.

Eating a plant-rich diet is another way to help lower your greenhouse gas emissions. A recent study found that if half of the world’s population adopted a plant-based diet, it would keep 65 gigatons of carbon out of the atmosphere over 30 years.

Other ways to decrease emissions include switching to a fuel-efficient car and using less energy. These actions offered by energy companies such as the Texas energy company are easy and inexpensive and can make a huge difference in your emissions levels.

Create Jobs

As renewable energy becomes more cost-competitive, more people are choosing this path. The clean energy industry is already a major job creator, and more jobs will be created as the global economy shifts toward clean power.

According to the International Labor Organization, clean energy will add more jobs than fossil fuels by 2030, boosting economic growth and reducing climate change. But the transition will require a more holistic approach to job creation, with workers’ needs and rights at the heart of the process.

Compared to coal, the clean energy sector offers higher wages and is widely accessible to people without college degrees. Moreover, renewable energy systems recoup their embodied energy (the energy used to make the system) within a few years, reducing emissions associated with manufacturing and operations.

Renewable energy facilities also provide jobs and economic activity for local communities. Unlike fossil fuel-based projects, which usually require significant foreign capital, most renewable energy facilities are built where local resources can be exploited and generate income for the host country.

In addition to the direct jobs created by renewables, many industries in the energy supply chain benefit from increased clean energy demand. These include renewable energy component manufacturers, construction companies, and businesses that provide services to these businesses.

Increase Property Value

One of the best ways to increase your home’s value is by making it more energy efficient. There are many ways to do this, but installing solar panels is one of the easiest and most effective.

Another great thing about having a solar energy system is that it can be installed in almost any home or commercial building type. The installation process is easy, and your savings on your energy bill will be significant.

In addition, solar can help reduce your environmental impact by generating electricity from sunlight and wind. This is the perfect way to help reduce your carbon footprint and promote a greener future for our planet.

Increase Energy Efficiency

Renewable resources, such as sun, wind, falling water, the earth’s temperature (geothermal), plant materials (biomass), waves, and ocean currents, have a continuous and abundant supply that can provide clean electricity. The problem is capturing these resources to produce a reliable energy supply for the national grid system.

The technology of converting these resources to electricity is evolving rapidly, and costs are coming down. As such, renewables can be a significant share of the future electrical generation mix.

Solar and wind energy provide a reliable electricity supply without producing carbon dioxide emissions. However, harnessing these resources at high levels is challenging for complex reasons.

One reason for the challenge is that, unlike fossil fuels, these resources cannot be transported. Therefore, having backup generating capacity to support these intermittent sources is critical.

Another issue is that the cheapest power source is often far from the load center, thus increasing connection costs. Additionally, some sources are unpredictable and can’t be used during peak hours when demand is highest.

Governments worldwide have implemented policies that favor renewables over other sources to overcome these issues. These policies may include priority dispatch, special feed-in tariffs, and quota obligations.

Save Money

One of the most immediate benefits of switching to renewable energy plans is savings on your electricity bill. You can dramatically reduce energy costs by installing solar panels on your property and generating clean energy. You can even sell any extra energy you produce back to the grid for a credit on your monthly electric bill.

According to Lazard, solar power, onshore wind facilities, and large-scale hydroelectric programs are currently the cheapest energy sources for producing electricity. These are less expensive than the average cost of developing a new coal plant, which ranges from $0.15/kWh to $0.05/kWh.

The costs of developing renewables are coming down year-on-year. Wind and solar prices are currently at all-time lows, and they’re expected to drop further as infrastructure develops.

In addition, many states and utility companies offer incentives and rebates for renewable energy. The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, for example, offers the PAPowerSwitch program.

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