
Sunil Kumar and Sangeeta Yadav stay in Delhi with their three children aged 13 and four (twins). They get a combined monthly salary of Rs 5.81 lakh, which includes a rental income of Rs 10,000.

The couple owns three houses and an ancestral plot, which are worth Rs 5.4 crore. Two of these have been bought as investment with loans worth Rs 1.1 crore. After considering all expenses, the couple is left with a surplus of Rs 1.8 lakh.

Their goals include building an emergency corpus, saving for their kids’ higher education and weddings, buying a car, taking a vacation, retirement, and an additional corpus for the kids.

Dinesh Rohira of 5nance suggests that the couple build the emergency corpus of Rs 5.5 lakh from their cash, and invest Rs 40,500 for three months in a liquid fund.

Next, they want to take a Rs 5.4 lakh vacation after a year, which can be funded from their debt fund. For the Rs 59.8 lakh SUV they want after three years, they can start an SIP worth Rs 1.8 lakh in large-cap funds. This can be raised to Rs 2.5 lakh when the emergency corpus is built and after a rise in salary.


By Loknath

Simple Guys with Simple dream to live Simple