A care home in Florence is pioneering the use of a robot as a carer for its 20 elderly residents. Robot-Era is coordinated by the Robotics Institute of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa as part of the world’s largest experiment ever carried out using service robots, which involves 160 people in real-world environments over four years.
Robot-Era prepares to help a resident from her bedroom to the dining room.
Robot-Era provides indoor walking support to help the resident reach the dining room
Robot-Era carries out daily cognitive stimulation activities too.
A resident looks at Robot-Era with some amount of curiosity.
Robot-Era is on hand for any daily activities at the care home.
A resident caresses Robot-Era.
A caregiver controls Robot-Era’s movement using her laptop.
Staff at San Lorenzo can’t resist a selfie with their robotic colleague.
One resident goes even further.
Robot-Era can even get quite festive.