Image result for Education Beat: Love 'em to goodI’ve been asked why I love the homeless, the prostitutes, the criminals, the drug addicts, the ones who appear to have lost their way — the “real life Les Miserables” – so much. Indeed, why do I seek them out at night, in the hidden corners of the world?

Well, it’s easy to prove that education and hard work are the best repellents to poverty and crime.

But what of those who have dropped out of education and who now have a criminal record? Such folk have no real hope of a decent job — branded, as they are by society, with the mark of Cain.

No, I’m not saying to let people be irresponsible for their own behavior. That approach only reinforces people (be they children or adults) to make more bad choices more often.

But we should love people, even when they make bad choices. This in turn, helps them “be good,” even more so than every law book in the nation thrown at them all at once.

My Granny Talley referred to this remarkable method of helping an especially wayward soul as, “Lovin’ ‘em to good.” Such a way speaks of pure faith and grace … and actually some pretty darn good science.

Contrary to what some may believe, poverty and lack of education are what breed most crime, not immorality. Poverty breeds desperation in us all. And when desperation swallows even the best of us, we may be led to try most anything “just this once” to seek an escape for our loved ones from the iron shackles of poverty.

Yes, education is still the best way out of poverty in America. Perhaps this statement is true even more so now than ever before. That’s why I literally can’t sleep some nights when I see too many of my elementary kids’ families put such little importance on their schooling and grades. Such parents, whether they know it or not, are greatly increasing the chances of their own beloved children being bound to the shackles of poverty and crime.

Yes, we try to reach them young. Preventive medicine is always better than curative. Therefore, the incomparable importance of supporting public education in America.

But … what of those adults who have “missed their chance,” the “real life Les Miserables” of our community?

I’ve seen one thing work … and I’ve seen it work time and time again, even when all other measures fail.

Lovin’ ‘em to good — I’ve seen such an attitude bring light to even the most darkest of life’s bad situations.

Yep, I’ve found it to be simple (no, not easy, just simple). In fact, it’s so simple that we too easily and too often overlook it.

Love ‘em to good.

We have been told to do so for ages by every major religion. We have been told to do so by common sense and science alike. We flock to plays and movies about it by the millions (such as Les Mis). We eternally sing songs about the truth of it.

Now, if we’d just do it.

Even when you think someone is past all hope, love ‘em to good, my friends. Love ‘em to good. And, if you do, you will have bettered the lives of at least two people, for I dare say that such an attitude will have made you a better person, too.


By Loknath

Simple Guys with Simple dream to live Simple