Navitas has announced it will end its partnership with Western Kentucky University after identifying that it does not hold “tremendous opportunities for success going forward”.

The partnership, which was in its sixth year of operation, will be ending this month.
“We just felt that it was not something that we wanted to continue to invest time and resource in”
David Stremba, executive general manager, business development, Europe and North America at Navitas, told The PIE News that the decision was made after the group’s annual evaluation of its partnerships.
“We identified any relationships or businesses that we felt did not hold tremendous opportunity for success going forward and WKU was one of those,” he said.
“It was really at our prompting but mutually agreed between the two parties to part ways on amicable terms and go forward separately.”
When asked why the partnership was terminated, Stremba said,“Looking forward and the way that it had been set up under prior management, and managed under prior management, we just felt that it was not something that we wanted to continue to invest time and resource in.”
The current students will be transitioned into the university, helped by Navitas staff.
Stremba said the termination of the partnership will have no impact on Navitas’s earnings, confirming that it is “completely neutral in terms of impact on our EBITDA”.
Navitas has five partnerships in the US, with the University of Massachusetts (Dartmouth, Boston and Lowell campuses), Florida Atlantic University and the University of New Hampshire.
Stremba added that the the US continues to be one of Navitas’s “core strategic growth opportunities globally”.
Navitas has 27 university partners in total, based in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the UK.
[Source:- pie news]